Upon completion of the course, students will be able to decode GD&T based drawings and convert them into reliable coordinate measuring machine, open set-up and functional gage based inspection processes which address both "Product Quality" and "Manufacturing Process Quality" requirements
To achieve the above objective, the following topics are covered during the course:
Review of important GD&T concepts, definitions, tools and rules
Detailed instruction in Feature Control Frame decoding and how to assess the quality of GD&T encoded drawings for manufacturing and inspection
Detailed instruction in the processes of Datum Reference Frame construction for manufacturing and inspection applications
Details of functional gage design
Details of CMM hardware capabilities and limitations
Details of CMM software capabilities and limitations and the pitfalls of CMM based geometry processing
The significance of Considered Feature and Datum Feature Material Condition Modifiers for both Product Quality and Manufacturing Process Quality assessment
The implications of Compound and Composite Feature Control Frames in gage design and CMM based inspection
The use of GD&T defined Actual Values for Product Quality assessment and going beyond GD&T for Manufacturing Process Quality assessment
The impact of Measuring Uncertainty on GD&T based inspection results
Because of the advanced knowledge and concerns of the participants, this course is largely determined by their interests and by the drawings they submit.
The material of this course can be delivered in three days. Nevertheless, real learning requires active implementation, and a fourth and fifth day of hands-on exercises using a coordinate measuring machine and open set-up inspection tools are highly recommended. Please specify preference at time of quoting.
Target Audience:
All persons dealing with the design and management of manufacturing processes, with machining and with mechanical inspection.
Participation in the Smart GD&T course "Intermediate GD&T for Design, Manufacturing & Inspection" or equivalent, and at least one year of mechanical inspection and manufacturing experience.
Course handouts include the course manual and sundry articles and flyers. Participants are encouraged to provide their own lined pads, pencils (making it easy to erase occasional mistakes), and pocket calculators. A personal or company owned copy of the ASME Y14.5M 1994 (or ISO 1101) standard should be brought to each session.
In the case of in-house corporate classes, a non-disclosure agreement should be implemented between the sponsor and Multi Metrics, Inc. prior to inception. Drawings and parts brought to public classes should be non-proprietary in nature.
Day 1:
A fast paced review of Y14.5 1994 GD&T concepts, definitions, tools and rules
The Concept of Size and the calculation of Virtual Condition size
Tolerance Zones, Tolerances, Actual Values and Measured Values
Reading (decoding) Feature Control Frames
Decoding and converting GD&T drawings into manufacturing processes
Decoding and converting GD&T drawings into functional gaging processes
Decoding and converting GD&T drawings into CMM based inspection processes
Receipt of drawings submitted by participants
Day 2:
CMM Hardware strengths and limitations
CMM Software strengths and limitations
Functional Gage strengths and limitations
Differentiating between "Product Quality" and "Manufacturing Process Quality"
The six step Smart GD&T process of Datum Reference Frame construction
Converting the DRF Construction process into Functional Gages and CMM based software processes with extensive exercises.
Measuring Size in open set-up and with the CMM
Measuring Form in open set-up and with the CMM
Measuring Parallelism, Perpendicularity and Angularity in open set-up and with the CMM
Measuring Position and Concentricity in open set-up and with the CMM
Measuring Circular and Total Runout in open set-up and with the CMM
Measuring Surface and Section Profile in open set-up and with the CMM
Day 3:
Preliminary analysis and discussion of drawings submitted for review
The impact on CMM processes and manufacturing process feedback of Considered Feature Material Condition and Datum Feature Material Condition Modifiers
The impact on CMM processes and manufacturing process feedback of the Projection, Free State and Tangent Plane Modifiers
How draft in cast and molded parts affects functional gage design and CMM inspection processes
How to deal with Datum Targets in functional gage and CMM process design
Continued analysis and discussion of drawings submitted for review
The impact of Compound and Composite Feature Control Frames on functional gage and CMM process design
Using the CMM to go beyond geometry assessment to manufacturing process assessment
Final class room analysis and discussion of drawings submitted for review
Grand Review
Days 4 and 5:
Optional practical implementation sessions using on-site coordinate measuring machines to exercise the art of converting GD&T coded drawings into inspection processes to evaluate (1) end product quality and (2) manufacturing process quality, including exercises in manufacturing process fault analysis.